Diocesan Guidelines and Liturgical Responses
Candidates and Sponsors should be at the Cathedral by 6pm (carpooling is recommended)
- Directions to Sacred Heart Cathedral: 296 Flower City Park, Rochester NY 14615 https://www.google.com/maps/@43.1938735,-77.5924058,14z
- There is a children’s room in the narthex available for use during Confirmation
- Another reminder from the diocese: to be as reverent and attentive as possible during the Sacrament as the noise level tends to go up during this time.
Candidates and Sponsors should be formally and modestly dressed (spaghetti straps or strapless dresses/need to wear sweater or jacket over, no very short skirts, please. Girls may wear dress pants. Boys - shirt and tie/with or without sweater or jacket)
While the use of photography during Mass is not permitted, but Bishop Matano will stay after the Mass and pose for pictures inside of the Sanctuary
Nametags for Candidates and Sponsors will be placed on your chairs ahead of time
Mass responses should be clear and very strong; especially when the Candidates are responding without the rest of the assembly
Candidates will be confirmed with their Sponsors standing directly behind them with the Sponsor's right hand on the Candidate's right shoulder
- No gum, water, soda, food in the worship space; there is a water fountain in the narthex if needed
- There is a reception in the narthex/gathering area directly following the Mass
- Also, please make sure that the Cathedral is picked up/papers, etc. after Confirmation because there is daily mass early the next morning.