Each quarter, based on our social outreach priorities and commitments, the St. Joseph's tithing committee disburses available funds to worthy recipients.
Typically, funds are provided to organizations focused on basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, medical or educational services for the impoverished and disadvantaged of our community, the nation, or the world.
Past and Recent Tithing Recipients
- Cabrini Parish to support Matthew's Closet, the Sr. Regis Food Cupboard and other local ministries in the city's poorest neighborhood
- Dimitri House to support the men‘s shelter
- Penfield HOPE to support financial assistance to local families
- Habitat for Humanity to support the Penfield churches upcoming projects
- St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center to provide health care, counseling and social services in the city
- Bethany House for services for homeless women and support for the food cupboard
- Catholic Charities of Wayne Co to support the La Casa migrant worker home in Sodus
- Catholic Relief Services for natural disaster relief
- Blessed Sacrament Church to support supper program for the needy in the city
- Cameron Community Ministries to provide food, clothing and after school programs to the poor in northwest Rochester
- Penfield Ecumenical Food Shelf to support the local food cupboard
- St. Andrews Food Cupboard to feed the hungry in Rochester
- Mary's Place Refugee Outreach
- Shepherd Home to help support local comfort care for the dying
- St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality